Enrich franchise and sales territory mapping using 2021 Census Demographics
The 2021 Census contains more information than ever before, circa 160 variables spanning 7 core categories of classification.
Categories include:
Ethnicity & Language
Population, Gender & Age
Household (A staggering array of information here from dwelling type, tenure, number of rooms, residents, occupancy through to central heating or not!)
Economic activity & Occupation
Census Demographics play an invaluable role in designing franchise territories and can help steer and guide marketing efforts within specific postcode sectors. Having territories that are the right size with the right mix of target market could make all the difference when it comes to recruiting franchisees and building long-term sustainable business.
Using 2021 Census demographic data we can build territories sized and centered around your target areas of operation whatever your market looks like.
Whether you’re selling financial services to high net worth individuals who own their own home, services targeted towards children or students or specialist products centered around the type of dwelling and household composition Tech4T can help you unlock the value of the 2021 Census demographic data.
Census data is available for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and can be used for balancing and targeting in territory design and to define retail catchment areas.
There’s never been a better time to map your territories based on scientific fact rather than gut feel. To get a complete list of all of the variables available please use our contact form to get in touch or speak to one of the team directly on 01733 890 790.
'Get More From Your Franchise Territories' guide, get your FREE pdf download now
This guide tells you everything you need to know about using territory intelligence, mapping software and demographics data to grow your franchise. Learn how to:
Present & sell franchise territories
Create new territories in new locations
Analyse & optimise existing territories
Restructure under-performing territories
Help franchisees find new leads and prospects
To have your free copy in your inbox within minutes, simply confirm your details on the form below, now.
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